Vision Quest: Pan
Vision Quest workings help to awaken your Sight and Gifts by connecting with divine spirits to receive insight into your fate, path, and practices–both magical and mundane.
Pan is the ancient Greek god of the fields and wooded glens, shepherds and flocks, rustic music, and lust or sex. He himself was part-animal and was most often imagined with the horns, hind legs, and tail of a goat. He often chased beautiful nymphs or maidens, played a pipe or flute made of reeds, and took napping very seriously.
Bring a salty snack to share after the Vision Quest, a non-alcoholic drink for yourself, and a pillow or blanket if you want to get comfy. These can be powerful workings, so we recommend that you stay and engage in after-Quest discussion while you ground to gain clarity on the insights you receive.
Prepay for this event:
Vision Quests: $10
Public Rituals: $10