Durriken Homewood

Durriken Homewood

Ask A Witch: Midsummer Edition

This originally appeared in the “Ask a Witch” column of the Pagan Chronicle‘s Midsummer 2024 edition. How do I set up a personal altar? Setting up a personal altar is a matter of, well, personal choice. Anything that connects to…


It’s the dog days of summer, the gardens are full of vegetables, the fields are full of grain, and the harvest is approaching. Take a moment to relax in the heat, and reflect on the upcoming abundance of the fall…

Herb of the Week: Acacia

Acacia Gum Acacia Gum, also known as gum arabic, is a natural resin harvested from various species of acacia trees. This versatile substance has been used for centuries in a variety of applications, including its role in spells of spirituality…

Ask A Witch

These questions were sent into our friends at the Pagan Chronicle for their Oestara Edition and answered by employees here at Crone’s Hollow. What are the top things you do as a practitioner that enhance your life? I love this…

What is Imbolc?

Imbolc occurs approximately February 1. It is one of the eight sabbats celebrated by many Pagans on the Wheel of the Year. It is one of the “fire sabbats”, meaning that the element of fire plays a large part of…