Interview with a Witch: TaMara Sorensen

As with all spirituality, it's a matter of continuing movement, learning and changing to become your best self…all while knowing that you will never "arrive".

As part of our commitment to those who are new to the Craft Community, we’re happy to present this series of brief interviews conducted by practicing Witches in Salt Lake City, UT.

What inspired you to start practicing witchcraft and become an Initiate of StoneBeacon Coven?

Following my spiritual path has been a lifelong quest for me.  I practiced Catholicism, Buddhism and Wicca in my earlier years.  While each of these paths held certain truths, none of them were a perfect fit for me.  I was then introduced to Rita Morgan of Earth Hven Coven who introduced me to traditional witchcraft.  It was like a rocket went off!  I practiced Ced for 15 years and then the path ended.  I have found my true home with StoneBeacon.  All of the learning I have compiled fit perfectly and gave me the push I needed to move forward into the Mound Tradition.  As with all spirituality, it’s a matter of continuing movement, learning and changing to become your best self…all while knowing that you will never “arrive”.

Can you explain the role of a Hedgewitch and how your practice differs from other forms of witchcraft?

A hedgewitch is one who has one foot in both worlds at all times.  She/he/they straddle the hedge and approach their mundane lives with an eye to the magical realm, and vice versa.  It is the ability to be in woth worlds simultaneously and shift as needed, depending on the task at hand.   My practice will differ from anyone else’s path because they are not me.  I have a different set of values, ethics and goals than any other person out there.  I bow to no one, I defer to myself, and I work in communion with godforms/archetypes, not in subservience to them. 

What are some of the core beliefs and principles that guide your spiritual and magical work?

I believe that each of us has an ethical compass within us.  It’s something we inherently have.  This will guide us on our paths and, if you listen closely, will help you avoid missteps. 

How do you incorporate natural elements and the cycles of nature into your witchcraft practice?

Honestly?  I don’t really use the cycles of nature very much.  I enjoy the seasons and like having a lore/ritual cycle that uses the wheel of the year as a foundation..but my magic can be done at any time of the year.  I use moon cycles more that seasonal cycles. 

What are some common misconceptions about witchcraft that you would like to address?

Witches are not in league with the Devil.  The End.  I have spent more time trying to explain that Satan/The Devil is a construct of Christianity (not a tool of Witchcraft) than i care to tell.  It’s tiring.   

How do you work with deities, spirits, or other non-physical entities in your practice?

Very carefully.  While I’m not beholden to these entities, they do have great power.  It’s best to tread carefully; without ego and with respect. 

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to explore the world of witchcraft?

Stay off of Tik Tok.  It’s mostly bullshit.  Spend time talking about Craft to other practitioners.  Get out and do some ritual…by yourself or with others.  That’s the only way you will learn.  Don’t be an armchair Witch, take your work to ritual and push it.  Leave ego and drama at home. 

All Witches need “stuff”.  Whether that stuff is supplies like candles, herbs, oils, etc., or just inspiration from exposing yourself to different paths and ideas, you can find it all at your local metaphysical store. 

TaMara Sorensen is the Owner of Crone’s Hollow and a practicing Witch with more than 30 years of experience.

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