Tag witchcraft

Witch’s Craft Night

Bring your unfinished craft projects, your just started craft projects, your crafting tools, and let’s have a good ol’ Stitch and Bitch! On the first Wednesday of every month, join us for our new Witch’s Craft Night. Tables and chairs…

New Pagan Meetup

Discover Your Pagan Path: A Welcoming Introduction for Newcomers Are you intrigued by the mystical realm of Paganism, Witchcraft, and Wicca, but unsure where to begin? Look no further than our Free New Pagan Meetup – a safe space to…

Fundamental Witchcraft Series

Be More Than A Baby Witch! Have you been searching for a deeper connection to the natural world and the divine? Look no further than the Fundamental Witchcraft Class, offered by the StoneBeacon Coven of the Mound Tradition. Whether you’re…

Ask A Witch

These questions were sent into our friends at the Pagan Chronicle for their Oestara Edition and answered by employees here at Crone’s Hollow. What are the top things you do as a practitioner that enhance your life? I love this…

Is doing a love spell a bad thing?

One of the most commonly requested spells, the love spell, can be done without it being “bad”.  Love magic has been used for centuries to attain happiness, societal stature and family by royalty and folk pracitioners alike.  Love spells have…

Do I need to be in a coven to be a witch?

There is no straight answer to this question.  The answer depends on what type of path you’re seeking and whether you are Wiccan or a Witch.   Witches are those who practice witchcraft.  That is, the craft of being a witch. …

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